Shavuot at Chabad!
Join us for Shavuot at Chabad of Pinellas County
Hear the 10 Commandments

Come with your entire family to hear the 10 Commandments read from the Torah, as it was read on Mount Sinai!

Wednesday// June 12

Following the Morning Services, approximately: 11:15 am

Service Schedule

Tuesday evening // June 11

Mincha Service 8:00 pm
Appetizer & Class Part 1 8:15 pm
Evening Service 8:55 pm
Followed by Kiddush and Dinner with All night learning    - 4:09 am

Wednesday// June 12

Schedule Morning Services 10:00 am
Torah Reading 11:00 am
Kids Program & Ten Commandments 11:15
Followed by Ice Cream Party & Delicious Dairy Luncheon
Afternoon & Evening Service 8:15 pm
 Light Candles After 9:08 pm

Thursday// June 13

Morning Services 9:30 am 
Yizkor Memorial Service 11:15 am
Minchah 8:00 PM
Holiday Ending Farbrengen & Song 8:15 pm
Shavuot Ends 9:09 pm

Shavuot Guide
Further Reading

Shavuot is a time when we recommit ourselves to Torah study, and affirm our membership in the Jewish nation. Take a few moments and read some interesting and new handpicked Shavuot features from our site. You’ll find something to share with your family, and perhaps gain a new perspective on Shavuot.