Sukkot And Simchat Torah
Join us at Chabad of Pinellas County

Service Schedule


Sukkot Eve 1 - Friday, September 29

Evening Services: 7:00 pm

Sukkot Day 1 - Shabbat, September 30

Morning Service: 9:30 am

Evening Services: 7:00 pm

Sukkot Day 2 - Sunday, October 1

Morning Service: 9:30 am

Evening Services: 7:00 pm       

Chol Hamoed - Tuesday, October 3

Chinese Dinner: 5:00 pm

Chol Hamoed Shacharit              

Mon, Tuesday & Friday, Oct 2,3 & 6: 8:00 am

Shemini Atzeret- Friday, October 6

Evening Services: 6:45 pm

Shabbat, October 7

Shacharit: 9:30 am

Yizkor: 11:15 am

Minchah: 6:40 pm 

Simchat Torah Grand Kiddush Dinner: 7:00 pm

Followed by Maariv & Dance Shtick at 7:45 pm

Simchat Torah - Sunday, October 8

Morning Service: 10:00 am

Mincha: 1:45 pm

End Of Holiday Songs & Inspiration: 7:00 pm

Yom Tov Ends: 7:44 pm


Holiday Guide
Sukkot Guide
Sukkot Megasite
Simchat Torah Megasite
Simchat Torah Guide